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Messiah Lutheran
122 W. 7th St.
Grand Island NE 68801
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Meeting Day(s): 3rd Thursday of the Month
Meeting Time: 1:00 pm
The Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America meet in the Centennial Room at Messiah, on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1:00 PM. The meetings usually begin with a Bible study taken from the Gather magazine, followed by a business meeting and a treat.

We sometimes sponsor suppers at church--usually for Wednesdays in Lent and AdventWe also sometimes gather at various assisted living / nursing homes, and play bingo and provide treats for the residents who attend. If ANYONE wishes to join, please feel free. DON'T BE SHY! We would love to have you join.  

About WELCA:
As a community of women
     created in the image of GOD,
     called to discipleship in Jesus Christ,
     and empowered by the Holy Spirit,

We commit ourselves to
     grow in faith,
     affirm our gifts,
     support one another in our callings,
     engage in ministry and action,
     and promote healing and wholeness
     in the church,
     the society,
     and the world.
Purpose Statement, Women of the ELCA
 Mission: Growth
To provide a variety of learning experiences which strengthen each woman as a whole person, develop her potential, and equip her for ministry.

Mission: Community
To enable each woman to value herself and others as created in God's image and redeemed through Christ; and to build up and celebrate relationships which are global, diverse, and interdependent.

Mission: Action
To enable women to articulate and act upon their faith as disciples of Christ in all areas of life.